
Getting Started

Are you ready to get started with KobiBooks? First step is to subscribe so your KobiBooks instance can be created.

Now that you’ve signed up, there’s various details that need to be configured as you see fit.

Domain: Most people like to have their KobiBooks domain live at what’s called a ‘subdomain’. Your main website might be something like, and KobiBooks will be set up at With your main domain, you can host it on HostGator, GoDaddy, or any provider of your choice. You can have it be a WordPress site, a Wix site, or something entirely custom. That’s entirely up to you. Or, if you prefer, you can have KobiBooks itself be your main site. There’s advantages and disadvantages to each approach. I recommend having KobiBooks be on a subdomain. That will let you set up your main website quickly and easily without requiring extensive customization on your KobiBooks instance, and you can easily then change content on your main site in the future as you see fit.

DNS: Once your domain decisions have been made, and your KobiBooks instance has been set up, I’ll provide you with an IP address so you can create a DNS ‘A’ record that will point that IP to the subdomain. Once that DNS record is set up correctly, I can send you your administration login credentials.

Settings and Integrations: KobiBooks offers a large number of settings and configuration options and integrates with many services. Now is when you’ll want to start setting these up the way you want them to work. I recommend getting started with the PayPal and integrations to get you started. You’ll find more information about both of those in their respective Settings tabs.

Rules and Pricing Tester: This is how you define your pricing strategy and how you’ll set yourself apart from your competition. KobiBooks lets you set up sets of buyback pricing rules which take data from Amazon, your custom price list and your vendor lists and using rules you define, will calculate a price to offer your customers. To help get you up and running, check out the rules help topic as this is a very sophisticated feature.

Custom front-end: Now that you’ve had a chance to start getting your settings setup the way you want them and a few rules in place, it’s time to start thinking about how the customer experience is going to work. KobiBooks is designed so that every customer-facing page can be fully customized, if you so desire. This requires the work of a front-end web developer and will involve additional fees to both that front-end developer and, once they deliver their portion, then a backend developer (myself) will have to do integration work to make it all function. This is completely optional, and KobiBooks has a default customer user interface that is already mobile-friendly and very easy to use.

Help: Need some assistance or got stuck? Contact me and I’ll help point you in the right direction.