Added support for a new Vendor: Manual Vendor List. Allows the uploading of any basic list of ISBNs and prices so it can be utilized in the vendor system.
Author: mberding
Modified the value interpretation of input numeric values of “0” to be a integer of zero instead of a string of zero to work better when comparing against NULL values
Bug fix when evaluating “List Price” for if statements
Explicitly close database connection to attempt to avoid excess sleeping threads in high throughput situations
Fixed a duplicate-user bug when logging in with PayPal
Customer “My Account” order-details added option to adjust quantities if allowed in admin settings (default: disabled) added button to track order if tracking number is on file added button to cancel order (with warning) added “Payment Timeline” display under main action buttons if value is setup in admin settings and order has not yet been […]
Fixed upload scripts to be compatible with package upgrades
Added compatibility for clients running custom code and PHP version < 7
Upgraded code to be compatible with PHP 7
Modified “Orders Referred” column in the API Keys area to only include orders that were successfully completed by a customer. It no longer includes abandoned carts in its count.